I THINK I have all the details correct. Leezet will correct me. If you want to see Sherlock with my seestair, she’s willing to take someone with her so she’s not lonely! Her husband and daughter aren’t interested in going, and neither are her two friends.
I have more than two friends!!!!
There there Lizette. We believe you.
I too have friends who don’t share (all of) my fandoms. That is actually possible 😉
If someone invented the transporter in the next few days and beamed me over from Europe, I’d join you there.
only a few share my fandoms but not as much as me 😀
oh and right now I’m painting a TARDIS on my bedroom door!
I too will be watching alone… I’ve tried to convince some friends or even a coworker or too to join me to no avail.
ugh… that should be two not too =/
I wish I could watch it in theatres! Sold out here!