Sorry for the late updates again. Allergies hit. Totally wiped me out! I haven’t been doing anything except for sleeping and lying on the bed watching YouTube I’m so tired.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Errol is on the phone) -
On phone DM:
Zoe: rent time
Errol: Sent
Zoe: thanks dadcheese
Errol: Ah yes. Time for another sentimental text from Zoe.

Panel 2 -

Phone DMs:
Errol: Hey. Can I draw Keegs in the comic?
Zoe: ...

Panel 3 -
Phone DMs:
Zoe: lol
Errol: Really? Wow
Is this Zoe?
Did someone grab her phone?
Errol: Whoa. Dove, is Zoe sick?
Keren (offscreen): What?

Panel 4 -
Phone DMs:
Zoe: if you buy me a new phone
Errol: False alarm. Never mind.

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