Myra is American, but also ethnically Japanese-Egyptian.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Errol: Hi, we're booked for an escape room. We're early though.
Ekko: We usually are.
Offscreen: That's okay. Please wait upstairs.

Panel 2 -
Errol: Anyway, you probably haven't met the D'Silva's, have you?
Myra: No.
Ekko: Why would they have met?

Panel 3 -
Errol: Oh, wait! Neither of you know who the other is! I just have random children with me and invited a strange American.
James: I just thought she was one of your nieces.

Panel 4 -
Errol: Well, she is ethnically vague like some of them, but no.
Ekko: Wow.

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