Next time, I have to make sure I start a joke when I have an hour of time available!

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Errol, Keren, Zoe, Maya are in the car) -
Errol: Fortunately, Mai Tais got accepted to McMaster. She was very happy, because then she could stay with her cousin, Doughy.
Zoe: She would probably go to residence first.

Panel 2 -
Errol: Oh right! Hmm, we'll have to go through all of Mai Tais first year before moving in with Zoe.
Zoe: By then I'd be in fourth year.

Panel 3 -
Errol: Let's not jump ahead though, we have all of Mai Tais first year to explain for this joke.
Keren: Oh no.
Zoe: How much longer until we're home?

Panel 4 -
Keren: About 25 minutes.
Errol: Ugh, I'm running out of time for this joke! Quit interrupting me!
Zoe: Then make it shorter!
Maya: I want to hear about my first year...

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