The great thing about doing these jokes is I can polish it a bit. Usually, they’re off the cuff and my KDrama segment was far more rough than this.

The bad thing about doing these jokes is it’s always truncated when it gets to comic form.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Errol, Keren, Zoe, Maya are in the car) -
Errol: Fine. Let's keep first year brief. Imagine it like a KDrama. "Mai Tais did take a shine to someone named Ramon."
Maya: Ramon?

Panel 2 -
Errol: "And then she finds out that Ramon and her had known each other since they were children. But Mai Tais gets hit on the head and goes back in time to find out she's a commoner during the Josean period."
Maya: ...?

Panel 3 -
Errol: "And with her power to see dead spirits, she thwarts the Queen Dowager's plans to kill her because the Crown Prince fell in love with her. But, before they can get married, Mai Tais is whisked back to the present where she finds Ramon's mother was the reincarnation of the Queen Dowager!"
Maya: ...?

Panel 4 -
Errol: "And she plans to kill the Mai Tais, but in error, runs over Ramon with a white truck. And then Maya completes first year."
Keren: Sounds about right.
Zoe: Maya's not Korean.
Maya: Ramon?

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