This was before Ekko’s birthday, so she’s only 19 at this point. I would have written down the young man’s name, but I don’t know how to spell it, and I forgot the second half. I think it was a hyphenated first name. Or I was confused.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Errol: Thanks for hosting our game. I can pay for the rest of them.
Game Host (offscreen): Oh! You have six other rooms booked?

Panel 2 -
Errol: Yes! Are you going to be our game host the whole day?
Game Host (offscreen): Sadly, no. I'm leaving early. It's my birthday and I'm turning 19.

Panel 3 -
Errol: 19?! My daughter, leetle Ettoes, is also 19!! Happy Birthday!
Game Host (offscreen): Thank you!

Panel 4 -
Errol: Did you hear? He's nineteen too! A leetle Ettoes could have a job too!
Ekko: I have a job!
Errol: So adorable!
Ekko: So condescending!
Game Host (offscreen): ...

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