To be honest, I’m not really one for opening mail. I don’t even open my own mail. You know how they have that trope in movies where parents read their teen’s diaries? I don’t know if I could sit through that.
↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Keren is carrying an envelope) -
Errol: Oh, hey! What's that?
Keren: Zoe got her grad photos in the mail.
Panel 2 -
Errol: Leetle Doughy all grown up!
Keren: I know. I don't want to see her leave.
Panel 3 -
Errol: Let's see her grad pics!
Keren: What? We can't open her private mail.
Panel 4 -
Errol: She's not grown up enough to have mail privacy!
Keren: Don't open her mail.
Errol: Oh, hey! What's that?
Keren: Zoe got her grad photos in the mail.
Panel 2 -
Errol: Leetle Doughy all grown up!
Keren: I know. I don't want to see her leave.
Panel 3 -
Errol: Let's see her grad pics!
Keren: What? We can't open her private mail.
Panel 4 -
Errol: She's not grown up enough to have mail privacy!
Keren: Don't open her mail.
I bought Lolo and Lola a blood pressure monitor through Amazon. A person stole it. Opened it. Then returned it to their door. :O
Wow, they came back and returned it? Impressive.