This joke should normally take up one comic. But Leezet is able to extend it to two or three.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Errol the phone) -
Leezet (from phone): Gull...ibble... Hold on. Joy's telling me something.

Panel 2 -
Leezet (from phone): What was that, Joy?
'Gull-ibble'? Ohhhhh...
'Gullible'! Ha ha ha!

Panel 3 -
Leezet (from phone): Hi! I'm back! Joy had to tell me what it was! Ha ha ha!
Errol: I gathered.

Panel 4 -
Leezet (from phone): Ha ha! She was rolling her eyes at me so much.
Errol: Not just her.
Leezet (from phone): SHUT UP!!

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