It’s a good thing we didn’t give double handouts. We would have ran out.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Offscreen: Oh, he doesn't like chocolate.
Manpans: I have some chips!

Panel 2 -
Errol (Peeking in): Wait, are we taking custom orders now?
Manpans: No! I offered!
Offscreen: *knock* *knock*

Panel 3 -
Offscreen: Do you have kit kat?
Manpans: Um...let me find one.

Panel 4 -
Offscreen: Can I have more than one?
Errol: "More than one?" Hang on, do we look like an all-you-can-eat KBBQ?!
Ekko: Oooh, we should go.

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