Zoe never reads the comic! Besides, everything I say here I’ve said to her face. I didn’t think she’d call me out on it though.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Zoe: I've been reading the comic.
Errol: Oh?

Panel 2 -
Zoe: The arc's about me, so it's more interesting.
Errol: You sound like your mother. It's mostly about Keegs.

Panel 3 -
Zoe: Keegs and Maya. It's all related to me.
Errol: Well, I hope you like seeing Keegs in comic form!

Panel 4 -
Zoe: "Not expecting the relationship would go anywhere..."
Errol (nervous): Oh! Hah! You read the hover text too? Well, it's time for board games!

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