She even bought new shoes. I didn’t make it into a comic, but there was one of the weddings we were at where her shoes fell apart because she didn’t want to buy new ones.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 [In car] -
Errol: Oh, there's Leezet.
Lolo: What? That's not Leezet.

Panel 2 -
Errol: It isn't?
Ekko: Yes it is. That's auntie Leezet!

Panel 3 -
Lolo: Really?
Ekko: Yes. We did her hair last night, and she has make-up on, and she's wearing a dress that isn't the same piece of clothing which has been worn for a week straight.

Panel 4 -
Ekko: She looks pretty!
Errol: Okay, let's not go too crazy here.
Keren: You're so mean.

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