Originally, there were more animal deaths, but I probably shouldn’t put all of that in.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Manpans, Errol, Maya, Kaelan, Zoe, and Ekko are in the car) -
Errol: "After lunch, Kay-lan went off to search for pets again. Maya tagged along. 'Watcha doing?' asked Maya. 'Looking for a pet,' said Kay-lan. 'Oh! I have a pet.'"
Panel 2 -
Errol: "Kay-Lan looked around a pond, and found a frog. 'This is amazing! A frog!' 'Oh! Where?' asked Maya, however, as she walked towards Kay-Lan, she stepped on the frog."

Panel 3 -
Errol: "'You killed it!' said Kay-Lan. 'Oh no...' said Maya. 'Do you still want it?' 'I don't want a dead frog!' said Kay-Lan."

Panel 4 -
Errol: "The rest of the day continued like this, with Maya racking up accidental kills."
Kaelan: This took a dark turn.
Zoe: Shame on you, Maya.
Maya: Hmmm...?

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