If you’ve followed along with this comic, you’d know Leezet’s tech skills are found wanting.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Errol is on the computer, probably playing some dumb game.) -
Leezet: You know, we got some good photos from the debut.
Errol: Uh hunh.

Panel 2 -
Leezet: But I wish there was a way to combine different elements of them into one.
Errol: You can. That's what Poe Toe Shop is por.

Panel 3 -
Leezet: But I can't use photoshop.
Errol: I guess if you can't use it, then no one can.

Panel 4 -
Leezet: That's not what I meant!
Errol: It'd be a sorry world if it was based on just your skills.
Leezet: SHUT UP!

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