The time we were there was from 9pm to 1am. Considering that was two hours behind for me, I was pretty tired!

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Errol in a parka on the phone) -
Errol: Anyway, I probably should head back.
Leezet (from phone): Seriously. Stop talking to me.

Panel 2 -
Errol: We were in the same time zone, though!
Leezet (from phone): True. I guess you're directly North of me.

Panel 3 -
Errol: Since it's late, you're probably going to bed soon.
Leezet (from phone): Very soon.

Panel 4 -
Errol: So I guess I shouldn't call in five minutes when it's time to take a break again...
Leezet (from phone): SPEND TIME WITH YOUR WIFE!!

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