I recall talking about traps. I think I spent 10 minutes on that part alone.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Manpans, Errol, Maya, Kaelan, Zoe, and Ekko are in the car) -
Errol: "Kay-Lan goes back to the pond. 'You know what we need? We need a trap! How can we catch a pet if we don't have a trap?'"

Panel 2 -
Errol: "'Do you have anything to make a trap?' asked Maya. 'No, I'm five,' said Kay-Lan."

Panel 3 -
Errol: "'No worries. Being from the country, traps are my thing. Not much else to do in small towns other than trapping wild animals and dating,' said Maya."

Panel 4 -
Errol: "'That could be considered the same thing,' said Kay-Lan." Shouldn't be saying things like that, Kay-Lan.
Kaelan: What?

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