Nothing really changes, other than having a sign-in person for each residence. 😀

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Offscreen student: Hi. My friend lives here and is outside. Can we just bring her up? She really needs to get to bed.
Offscreen sign-in person: Sorry, only one person is allowed in. One of you could go.

Panel 2 -
Offscreen student: I understand that, but I won't be able to carry her myself. She really does live here!
Offscreen sign-in person: Yes, but only one guest can go in at a time.

Panel 3 -
Offscreen student: Look, you can come with us. She really needs to get to bed!
Offscreen sign-in person: I can't come with you. I need to stay here. What's her name and room number?

Panel 4 -
Offscreen student: Hey! Any of you know her name?
Offscreen sign-in person: You don't know her name?
Errol (thinking): This is gonna be good...

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