I was first wondering how Lola was able to come to the airport. And then I remembered Keren flew home early because she needed to get back to work. I guess that could have been a comic too. Missed opportunities.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 [At Airport] -
Zoe: Hey, did you see that girl?
Errol: The platinum blonde one?
Lola: Your visit was so short!
Ekko: We'll come again.

Panel 2 -
Zoe: Yeah, the young, short one, with pigtails, and weeb eyeliner, and her bakcpack had weeb designs on it. And she was wearing this huge, bright green hoodie, and kaki knee-length shorts.
Errol: Wow. You'd make a good police witness.

Panel 3 -
Zoe: And in my head I was like, "LOL, weeb. Wait, she's actually white Choy."
Errol: Ouch. I probably shouldn't put this in the comic.

Panel 4 -
Zoe: I already DM'd her. She thought I'd call her a "****ing loser".
Errol: Young people are harsh.
Ekko: Besides, Choy wouldn't read this comic.

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