I know that sometimes the comics don’t seem to make sense, but then, that’s what happens when you start conversations up with kids.
Season: 2016
Comic #661 – “Hot Pot”
As a reward for 30 days of Hero’s Journey, we are all going out for hot pot tonight and probably complaining how much we hate exercising.
Comic #660 – “Lapras”
I don’t play Pokemon go because I don’t have data. I started playing Hearthstone, but then found out you needed data to play against people. It was fun, but I only played it during transit and I don’t have data then. So… no data only games for me.
And I just realized Mike and Ruby haven’t been in a comic in over a month! Considering I hang out with them on a weekly basis, that’s surprising. We were at Panic Factory last night for an escape game! Huzzah for fun times!
Comic #659 – “Meditation”
Comic #658 – “Exercise?”
Last night’s workout was horrible. My hands were shaking a bit and I had a hard time doing the comic. That can’t be healthy.
Ten minutes of meditation will be brutal though. I don’t even know what to meditate on. I mean, I could sit there and think about my NaNoWriMo novel. Is that considered meditation?
Oh, and you may have noticed I moved the comic earlier. I also moved NaNoToons earlier to accommodate someone who reads them earlier. 😀 So why not this webcomic?