Did I tell you we interviewed my sister on our Escape Room podcast? Believe it or not, we had a hard time keeping on topic, and it wasn’t my fault this time!
Well, not ALL of it was my fault. 😀
And it looks like Publicize is working again! Huzzah! It’s now going out to Tumblr as well.
I also tried to link it to LinkedIn, but so far it didn’t seem to go. By the way, feel free to check out my LinkedIn profile and endorse my skills of Escaping and Puzzle Design! As you can see, I take my LinkedIn very seriously…

Sorry this is late. Created the comic and forgot to upload. I blame all the turkey.
Ok! I am also trying to figure out how to get my social media working again with auto-publishing the comic. I have uploaded the beta of Jetpack’s Publicize, so here’s hoping!

Huzzah! Happy Thanksgiving! We will have about 14 people over, including a lot of the people in MNE! ^_^

Excitement never ends at the Elumir household! I’ll probably have to put the story arc on hold, though, because we have Thanksgiving tomorrow!

We don’t have exciting story arcs in this webcomic. But story arcs do happen! Who left me this note? Stay tuned!