Comic #407 – “Grounded”


I don’t really know the whole story, but from the sound of it, everyone needs to be grounded.

I should also look into getting some type of mobile device for her to use in these situations. But not to text her friends. Unless she’s slack chatting with me and my friends.

Btw, tomorrow is Leezet’s birthday. Mark it on your calendars.

Comic #404 – “Windows 10”


This is my first comic done on Windows 10. I do like the start menu better. I didn’t like Windows 8.1. Chrome was always slow and that start menu…hated that start menu (and I have a touch screen on this laptop).

But you know what? I don’t WANT to touch the screen on the laptop! I already have dirt and gross things on the screen, I don’t need my smudgy fingerprints! And if the children find out, good grief. Ekko’s sweaty hands would be all over it and there goes optimal game experience…

Anyway, so far, Windows 10 has been a better experience than Windows 8.1. Of course, I’ve only opened up Chrome, Flash and Slack. So here’s hoping!

Comic #403 – “Pathology”


I was sick all day saturday and went to bed around 7 or something. I didn’t much and didn’t get a comic done for today. So… again, today’s comic is late.

Of course, the comics on the weekend have been late regardless of my sickness.