This comic has been waiting to come out, and originally, it was going to appear after Manpans finished her video. But then other things came up… I can’t remember what it was. Oh well, I’m a bit sick so this comic is going up now.

To be honest, Keren didn’t say that last line. She would never say that…out loud. She may be THINKING it, but would never say it…
Still don’t know why she was looking at that dog site…

For the record, it wasn’t a post by manpans. There was a congratulatory post, and you know what happens when that occurs, so I turned off notifications. I then went on my merry way but about three minutes later, I got another notification for it. I felt a hulk moment.

I should have a plan for these comics. I did have some type of plan. I had some more cool things happen over the weekend. But then, Zoe started talking about goats. Tomorrow’s the 400ths comic. That’s cool! I probably should do something special for 500. Any ideas? Look at me ask ahead of time!

In fact, after this comic, I am planning on playing with her again. She’s determined to get better. She’s quite good at the morse code.