I’m bending the truth a bit. This happened in another escape room. But you know, they all tend to blur anyway. I think Manpans is trying to redefine her role, but what’s wrong with the being the nervous, scared character? I’m the goofy, clueless one and I embrace it! 😀

I’m glad the end result was my girls enjoyed playing hockey, even though I don’t enjoy playing it myself! 😀
Although, I definitely don’t want to be a hockey parent…

Zoe and Keren love skating. And last weekend, this happened on the Sunday evening.
You should feel sorry for the guy. He’s afflicted with a world view so narrow, the only person worth sticking up for is himself. 😀

You may remember us doing this room back in June! Well, this was the updated version and it was great!

The process of this was a bit longer than what was comicized, but you get the drift. You can ask her for the whole story. She also tells it in our Year in Review podcast which will be out in two weeks. 😀