We had a great day of doing escape rooms! And now the comic should be all caught up! Hah!

That stuff is amazing. I’m hungry thinking about it now!

I’m one day behind now. Will catch up tomorrow. I’ve been doing two MNE comics a night to catch up. And I’m trying to do two NaNoToons comics too. I’m pantsing them. We’ll see how THAT goes.

Still catching up. This is supposed to be the comic for Oct 30th, the Monday. Good grief, so behind. What a great way to start off Nano! 😀

The traffic was crazy because of an accident. We were originally going to go to our AirBnB first, but it was quicker to go to the escape room.
And again, this comic was supposed be for Sunday, October 29th. I’m releasing two at a time so I can catch up. This of course, won’t bode well for November…