We are off to Montreal for a fun weekend of food and escape rooms! Yes! The whole family and the Room Escape Divas are going!
My wife is a saint.
The third year!
Sorry! This comic is so late, but it has been a whirlwind weekend of celebrations. Her Aunt and Uncle came down to visit on Friday, and then we watched some anime. Saturday, we went to see a play “H.M.S. Pinafore” in Stratford. Sunday, we had Kamayan lunch, played board games, had dinner at the Keg, and then Keren made pie for dessert!
When Ekko was born, there were a number of complications. I still have the blog post I wrote, hidden away in one of the directories of my personal website. A lot of her doctors didn’t expect her to make it. But here she is, sixteen years later. I could get all sentimental about it, but right now, I am just so happy to celebrate life with Ekko.