Every year, our church has an early sunrise service around six in the morning. Keren goes every year. I have a record of not going once.
Another one of our traditions is doing Easter Egg puzzle hunts. I should get the kids to make me one…

Considering how much Zoe hates it when I go near her mother, I’m shocked this trumps how much she wants me to jump with her.
And I don’t know WHY she wants me to jump with her.

We got her the trampoline. Surprisingly, it hasn’t fallen apart. Even more shocking, it wasn’t that hard to put together. Seriously, my skills in the handy world approach level 0 on good days. I’m still waiting it to spontaneously combust.

Sorry if you already saw this in comment form, but it was a funny story so I had to put it in a comic.

This may have been the first time I included Ekko in a conference call!