Our workshop is tomorrow. Zoe was pretty good at bringing up different points I wanted to talk about. I was impressed. I don’t know if it’s because she’s noticed it herself, or if I talk about it a lot.

Every evening for the last bit has felt like having homework. The main hurdle is complete. I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself. I got a lot of people to help preview it too! They’re awesome!

I have a workshop this Monday on the art of Escape Room Puzzle Design. It’s exciting, but there’s SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT. I won’t have enough time so I have to cut things down.
Manpans is doing one on Narrative and Story in Escape rooms! Huzzah!

I had to go to the TTC Head office because my Metro Pass didn’t arrive. Keren gave Manpans and I a lift, so we were able to drive Ekko and Zoe to school! It was glorious.

Lots of good comments yesterday!
Today is the start of FAWM.org. I will not be able participate for at least the first week.