Comic #1346 – “Upcoming Movie”

I guess this could have been one of those cliff-hanger comics where everyone is wondering which movie we’re talking about. But considering I’m batch uploading these like Netflix, it’s not a big deal. Which is good. It was hard to fit the title of the movie in the comic.

Exposition is hard.

Comic #1343 – “Availability”

I still don’t think I’m responsible enough to have children… let alone ones that go to university.

Btw, if you want to see where I last left off, it was Comic #1339 which you can jump to.

Also, welcome to Paul Ralph, who came here from Room Escape Artist!

You know, back in the day, there were a ton of comments, and less people reading. I blame myself, of course, because I don’t respond to comments that much. I’m trying to change that habit of mine. That’s why I put the comments on the main page now, so I can see if people commented. 😀

Also, I think I’m going to write a character sheet for people. However, I think it’d be fun for YOU to write the bios. What do you think? Would you be willing to write a bio for characters? By all means, please do in the comments.