I guess this could have been one of those cliff-hanger comics where everyone is wondering which movie we’re talking about. But considering I’m batch uploading these like Netflix, it’s not a big deal. Which is good. It was hard to fit the title of the movie in the comic.
Exposition is hard.

Oooh, this comic was scheduled on time. Look at me go!

Doing my best to keep the comic updated. Btw, this did happen. Although we were on the bus at the time.

I still don’t think I’m responsible enough to have children… let alone ones that go to university.
Btw, if you want to see where I last left off, it was Comic #1339 which you can jump to.
Also, welcome to Paul Ralph, who came here from Room Escape Artist!
You know, back in the day, there were a ton of comments, and less people reading. I blame myself, of course, because I don’t respond to comments that much. I’m trying to change that habit of mine. That’s why I put the comments on the main page now, so I can see if people commented. 😀
Also, I think I’m going to write a character sheet for people. However, I think it’d be fun for YOU to write the bios. What do you think? Would you be willing to write a bio for characters? By all means, please do in the comments.

Yes, originally this comic was going to be about how I don’t do comics because of K-dramas. It’s hard to do a daily webcomic about your life if the same things keep happening again. We’re a predictable family.