Comic #1341 – “Off Track”

For the record, I have found a lot of mistakes in the comics. I will fix them. Eventually. Maybe I keep them in as a game for you to find!

Funny thing, I never realized Leezet would be the one who constantly pointed out when things weren’t exact. But in the end, that’s what it ended up being. If I had a character sheet, I would probably put that in there. I probably should get a character sheet going. I probably should get you guys to write up people’s characters.

Comic #1337 – “Constant Concern”

When I explained my whole meeting, however, she did find it interesting. She said I rarely talk about myself like this. I was shocked. I thought I talked about myself all the time!

Anyway, I’M CAUGHT UP! HA HA HA HA! Those last few comics were easy though. Kinda lazy too. Ah well.