I had an intense amount of fun in this room, and your team matters. It’s awesome when everyone is firing on all cylinders and solving everything.
If you ever get a chance to read the waiver form for this Stash House Escapes, do so. 😀 One of the best waiver forms I’ve ever seen.
We did have two other people. Brian and Cam, but I don’t have them in here. My apologies! For one, I don’t have them on facebook so I can’t creep their profiles to see what they look like.
I didn’t do comics for the last two days because it takes me a really long time to do new characters. Heck, the logo alone is hard. 😀
EDIT: I got Lisa’s title wrong and corrected it. 😀 Big words are hard.
I missed out on KBBQQ Pork Belly. I see it all the time on KDramas, and I missed out. *sigh*