Comic #1263 – “Comic Vacation”

I thought I’d have more time. I was wrong. Even though I went to bed around midnight, we’d sleep in to around 10 or 11. And then we’d go out. Seriously, the amount of sleep we got was amazing. 😀 By the time we got home, we were worn out from all the walking and I didn’t do any comics. Heck, I didn’t even open my computer until about the fifth day of vacation.

And this is why I’m in the predicament I find myself now. So much to catch up on.

Comic #1262 – “Concertino Shots”

For anyone that is wondering, our little concert went well! Keren was there, one of the few times Keren has seen me perform, and she was very proud of Zoe. I was too, of course! It was great to be up there with her.

She does a really good job of being a straight man as well. She really just reacted to my nonsense, and spoke sparingly at just the right moment for great comedic effect. I was very impressed.