In the new year, I’ll probably restart. But I’ll still try and plug away at this gaping hole.
Season: 2019
Comic #1718 – “Duke”
Duke is a good friend of ours. Some of you may know I used to be the music director at my church, and I played with Duke many, many times.
He lives about two hours away now, and his health isn’t what it’s used to be. My wife has been visiting him and his wife. The comic conversation did probably occur back in the beginning of October.
Take care of yourself, Duke, and know you are loved. 🙂
Comic #1717 – “Visit”
Comic #1716 – “Future Plans”
OK! I did twelve comics in one night. Good grief. I will hopefully get some comics done tomorrow…wait. No. I won’t be home until late. Ok… Saturday then. Must get comics done on saturday.
And for those that want to know where I left off, it was comic #1705.