
So many great things that could go into this comic but Zoe and Keren sometimes say no.

Believe it or not, I do ask before I post things.

This comic, I didn’t though. Oh well. Zoe doesn’t read it anyway.

Thursday Plans

I bought Ekko a present two weeks ago, and gave it to her. And so in my mind, it’s almost like her birthday is past. But it isn’t. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.


I’m usually in charge of the Zoom aspect of our church service. That’s what I do on Sunday mornings. The only thing I’m missing at home is multiple monitors. Speaking of which, I’m surviving surprisingly well on only one monitor.

Too Busy Studying

I didn’t do great in chemistry during high school, but I got by. University chemistry destroyed me though. It was such a boring text book. Yeah, I’ll blame the text book and not me.