Searching is usually our kryptonite. There was a lot of tricky things to find in this, which we were only able to find because of our experience with escape rooms. Again, I was shocked this was considered their easiest room.

We’re back to the arc, and it’s almost done! The great thing is, it has given me comic material for weeks, which was great, especially when I was sick. I didn’t have to remember “What did I do that wasn’t about sickness?”

Sometimes, my wife calls me a ‘nutbar’. I think I forget to put that in the comic, and usually stick with ‘turkey’.

Good grief, I was throwing these up and forgot to put descriptions under them.

Yes, sorry. It’s been awhile. For the record, none of us got COVID. Ekko had to get tested for work, even though we knew it wasn’t COVID. It came back negative.