Originally, I wanted to take her out for wings, but then I’d have to leave the house.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the search worked well on my site? Oh well. I don’t know how to fix it either. One day, I’ll print out all these comics, and then I can look it up and see if this is just a repeat comic. 😀

You know, I was certain I did. And I thought I did when Maya was here in the first few visits. However, maybe it was only an idea I never got a chance to draw and now it’s too late to do those comics and explain marriage!

There’s this Japanese store with some fun icecream flavours Ekko wants to take Maya to. Of course, in this comic, she just wants normal icecream.

Yes, I always take the front seat in the car. However, when I’m not there, then there’s a battle.