Going Out

This current arc didn’t happen now. However, I had to set it up. And I also got distracted with other comics. By the time it was ready to go, we were all in lockdown. So I figured I would give some intro to it. I know many other places are not in lockdown, but hey.


For those of you who were hoping this was a comic about an American singer, sorry to disappoint.

I used to make meatloaf on Thursdays when I was attempting the care of children. It wasn’t every day. However, now, they’re all sick of it. Meatloaf is awesome.

Big Day

Remember when I was going around asking people if they had new things happening in their life? And there didn’t seem to be? Well, I guess there was. Good grief.

I could get into more detail, but I don’t know more details.

Taking Transit

When I took the bus, I was confused for a second. When you enter, you have to tap your pass on the card reader, and I forgot which section of the card reader to tap. It took me a few seconds to realize I was tapping on the wrong area and I looked like a newb. (To be fair, it’s designed poorly. I’ve watched many new people continually tap on the wrong part because the designers never heard of “affordances”.)

And then, I was about to sit down, and then stopped half way as I saw there was a sign on the seat. I think it said “For the infected?” Maybe I misread that. I scanned the area for a place to sit that didn’t have signs on them. It was all new to me!