Surprise Chats

I didn’t get a chance to say earlier, but this chat was initiated by Choy (which was also surprising. She never talks to us on Instagram chat, although she IS on the family group chat.)

Puzzle Chats

There are many stories Ekko has heard multiple times and she is sick of hearing them. Some of those will eventually feature in this comic. Don’t you worry, though, it won’t be about puzzle design.

Chats with Choy

To be honest, I don’t know what Choy’s voice sounds like! Whether it be in chat, or in real life, I don’t think I’ve heard more than five words from her. 😀

Ekko will be happy we’re off the colonoscopy arc.

Sending Videos

I didn’t send it to Ekko twice! I think the first was one of those “Let’s press the recording button to start recording,” and then you realized it was recording already and you turned the recording off.

Ekko doesn’t know that, because she didn’t open EITHER video.