Need Pick Up

Of course, the phrase, “Talking done now”, has never been uttered from lips in relation to me, however I do remember thinking, “Okay, enough information has conveyed. She’s good,” and hung up. I think it sounded more garbled on Keren’s end.

Need Coat

Any old person falling is probably panic-inducing! Although, I’m sure they were also laughing. I fell in slow motion, but couldn’t do anything to stop it. Fortunately, I was really close to the ground trying to see if there was anything under the bed.


It didn’t feel at all dry when I woke up. And they didn’t give me any kleenex, or toilet paper, or anything! All I had was the bed… This TMI brought to you by Errol Elumir.

Colonoscopy Ends

When I came to, I could hear a lot of chatting from other people. I was wondering why they were so alert and chatty, I was so tired! Of course, they probably had a different procedure than I did.

There were a lot of firsts for me in this colonoscopy. I’ve never had an IV before, I don’t think I’ve had an anaesthetic before, and I had a little nostril oxygen thingy too.

And then, the abrupt change I put in this comic is similar to what I experienced. The last thing I remember is asking what program their child went to at university. It was so weird how I can recall nothing in between.

Colonoscopy Starts

The doctor I was chatting with was not the doctor doing the colonoscopy. It was the person administering the drugs! I forgot what the drug was called, it wasn’t a normal anaesthetic.