Comic #814 – “Trampoline”

We have neighbours with trampolines, and they have kindly offered for Zoe to jump on them at any time she wants. But she still wants her own.

And look! I made a poll! Why? Because I am very lax at updating over the weekends. I just wanted to know how many people actually read this comic on a daily basis. I will still get a comic a day out, but if I’m late, does anyone notice? I know Leezet notices. She tells me when it’s not out.

[poll id=”2″]

Comic #812 – “Being Sick”

I was lying in bed, and my head was killing me, and I was thinking, “If this subsides, I’ll get up and do some work!”

And then I dozed off. And then I woke again, and the pattern repeated. I couldn’t even play Stardew Valley!