Comic #234 – “Birthday Gift”

MNE_20150906_234Oooh, I was going to write something here, and then that reminded me of a conversation I had with Keren about her birthday on things to do and then I realized that would be a good comic and so I’ll just leave that here to remind me for when I do that comic.

Ugh, it’s late, and that probably didn’t make sense. I should do comics before 12am.

Comic #230 – “Super Dad”

MNE_20150902_230I went to Omescape last night with EscRoomAddict folks (I forgot to wear my T-Shirt), and I was hoping to get a comic done in ten minutes because I had to leave.

But no comics I could do quickly came to mind.

And then this happened at dinner. The funny thing, Zoe was too busy interrupting Ekko to even hear what I said so I needed to repeat it.

Then she threw something at me. And then more talking. And then she said she was more accomplished.

I have to condense all of that into four panels. You miss out on a lot of good stuff, sadly.

Comic #229 – “Linux”

MNE_20150901_229You may have noticed that things are becoming more lax with regards to time. Sorry about that. For the first time in a long time, I’m actually struggling trying to keep up. Crazy times. I think the last time I may have felt this pressed was when we did the musical and I had two webcomics to put out.

I am part of a super supportive team though, so I’ve been dumping stuff on them, poor guys. They’re awesome though! ^_^