Up late last night finishing my song I wrote for Keren for our 16th anniversary. And now, it’s bed.
Well, now it’s load the comic for tomorrow and then bed. I won’t be home tonight!
Edit: The above may have made no sense, sorry. It was late…
Eldest child of Errol’s. She likes Kdramas, games, meat, and screaming at the TV.
Did we book a hotel? We booked a hotel…
We’ve also booked Escape Room Niagara Falls!
Btw, you guys probably think I put in the puppy thing as a joke, and in reality, Zoe never asks for one.
Ah, FAWM. Where else can I express myself so freely?
Completely off topic, I’ve been wondering, are there many G-rated webcomics out there? I’m starting to think that because newspapers required it, most webcomics have been free to explore the freedom of an uncensored internet.
Which means, in the niche of webcomics, I may be one of the few mythic rares that is G-rated. I should capitalize on that.
I think Kari’s is G-rated too.
That is my wife, Keren. I finally put her in the comic. That makes the whole family in there now. I will try my best not to make this comic about me being in love, but it’s really hard when my wife is around.
Most of this is the conversation Zoe had with Keren. Although, she repeated over and over how yesterday’s comic was not funny.
Not every comic has to be funny, Zoe. Sometimes you want to put a bit of heart into it.
If I’m lucky, I will be able to write a song today. Hopefully.