Manpans lives in her Manpan Cave which has video games, hot chocolate, and Wheatley love.
She also has the big screen TV which we’ve hooked up our Wii U to.
She too is a huge fan of adventures games, so my laptop is also hooked up to her TV, and we are playing through as many Nancy Drew games as we possibly can. I still have about, oh, ten or more to go.
And when the children aren’t around, then Manpans and I get to play Mass Effect 2. Of course, the children are rarely not around so back to Nancy Drew we go.
This has made my creative life a bit more challenging. I wonder what I will do when FAWM hits? I don’t plan on doing too much with FAWM since it’s my anniversary and also Family Day, but I do want to put out a couple of songs. Who knows, maybe I’ll write a very sad goodbye song for our Farewell concert.
Btw, one thing I do like about this plug in is the ability to have an automatic cast page. I probably should figure the archives out, but, ugh. I want it to be like the archives of Rock, Paper, Cynic, but that requires coding of some sort.