We didn’t take any pictures, but they were huge. I mean, maybe we should have taken pictures, just for Manpans’ sake!
Character: Keren
Keren is married to Errol, some wonder if under duress. She is the mother of Ekko and Zoe. She is a nurse and a saint.
Apparently, rabbits can spit out a litter every three months? That sounds like a nightmare!
Also, I don’t know if I mentioned, our current rabbit population has changed. We used to have a Fluffytron and a Megascruff. They’ve passed on. We now have a Peanut and a Jellybean, but we never reference them by their real names.
Heading Back Home
We’re Done
Yes, we’re finally done that joke. This is a joke my dad would tell me and my sister when we were on road trips. Yes, he told it more than once. However, he didn’t extend it as much as I did.
So…Leezet has also heard the joke before.
Don’t worry, the next one I tell will be new. I already have it planned out.
Again, for those who have no idea what’s happening in these comics, the arc starts on January 22nd.