Comic #230 – “Super Dad”

MNE_20150902_230I went to Omescape last night with EscRoomAddict folks (I forgot to wear my T-Shirt), and I was hoping to get a comic done in ten minutes because I had to leave.

But no comics I could do quickly came to mind.

And then this happened at dinner. The funny thing, Zoe was too busy interrupting Ekko to even hear what I said so I needed to repeat it.

Then she threw something at me. And then more talking. And then she said she was more accomplished.

I have to condense all of that into four panels. You miss out on a lot of good stuff, sadly.

Comic #226 – “Geek Nights”

MNE_20150829_226Cousin Jar was in Toronto for work so he came over for dinner. And then we went out to a restaurant where my cousin Memes works.

We had a great time talking about Anime, games, comics, Star Wars, San Diego Comiccon, everything!

That’s why the comic was late today.

Ok, not really. I was up playing Terraria with Ekko after that. It’s her fault.

Besides, who checks it at 8am on a Saturday morning? Stats show that people don’t check the comics as much on the weekends…

Comic #223 – “Movie Night”

MNE_20150826_223When my brother-in-law comes down, we go see a movie or two together. Do you guys know that already? This comic has been going on for over four years (including the D&E comic) so I don’t know if you guys are now familiar with how my family operates.

And I also showed this with Zoe because I couldn’t remember her exact words. She said it was close enough.