It’s Leezet’s birthday today! Huzzah! 😀
She texted me this morning about yesterday’s comic. She thought I missed it. It was super late and was posted past midnight. It was meant for yesterday.
Leezet is Errol’s seestair. She’s a doctor and probably wears a lab coat every day doing doctor stuff.
I didn’t verify this with my co-workers, but I’m pretty sure they did it. No one else has access to my wallet.
You may wonder if it’s safe to leave my wallet out on my desk every day, and yes, it is.
It isn’t safe, however, to leave a plastic or paper cup on your desk. The cleaners will take it. From Teashop 168, I got this promotional cup which allowed me to get a free refill on the 20th of every month, and it was thrown away. I tried to hide it too, but they found it. Sadness.
Did I tell you we interviewed my sister on our Escape Room podcast? Believe it or not, we had a hard time keeping on topic, and it wasn’t my fault this time!
Well, not ALL of it was my fault. 😀
And it looks like Publicize is working again! Huzzah! It’s now going out to Tumblr as well.
I also tried to link it to LinkedIn, but so far it didn’t seem to go. By the way, feel free to check out my LinkedIn profile and endorse my skills of Escaping and Puzzle Design! As you can see, I take my LinkedIn very seriously…
I used to have a board game comic back in 2001 when I had a weekly board game night. We had a core group of players and then other players would join us from time to time.
This is what Chris wrote to his friends describing my comic:
I think this is incredibly cool, but you might not: someone has started a strip cartoon about his games group.
The start of the comic is at and click through “Next Comic” through there.
Extremely well done – very easy for a newcomer to get into the characters’ personalities (admittedly it helps that over 70% of them are obsessed psychopaths) and some very funny jokes, especially later on. And there’s a character who obsesses over pandas, which is always good. Once you’ve got into it, you will probably enjoy the associated Flash movie at .
Honestly, I am shocked someone other than my local group read that comic. 😀