My parents live in Calgary and everyone there, I think has a huge car.
My dad has a huge truck. I’m not driving the truck in this comic, but imagine a huge truck that seems to have more space than regular buses.
Leezet is Errol’s seestair. She’s a doctor and probably wears a lab coat every day doing doctor stuff.
I was going to put spoilers in this comic for the first puzzle but then thought against it. I’ll probably wait a few days before doing that. Hah!
And for those of you who are worried that Leezet has an advantage, she’s not eligible. That’s not in the rules, but she’s in Calgary and not eligible. I should put that in the rules for the Puzzle Hunt.
And good grief, there are a lot of people signed up for this. Huzzah!
I used to do board game comics a long time ago. I was married, but I didn’t have children, so it was around thirteen or more years ago! The readership was even lower for that comic, and I stupidly had them go up at midnight. There were many times I couldn’t make the midnight deadline.
That’s why the comic now goes up at 8am in the morning. Had it been a midnight deadline, I would have missed it because I was doing an escape room with Mike and Ruby again.