Comic #305 – “Diva”

MNE_20151115_305I’m at a point where I’m starting to not enjoy escape rooms if they suck. *laugh*

I now get annoyed in them. I was very annoyed in this room I did at Lost Canada. Here’s EGR’s review of the room I did.

I’m going to write a review which will focus my ire a bit more. I was not very pleased.

Comic #300 – “Comic Secrets”

Three Hundred!! Awesome!

I don’t have anything super special on the three-hundredth comic.

I could answer questions you may have though. I don’t know if anyone has questions, but if you’ve ever felt like you wanted to ask a question about the comic, now’s your chance!

Of course, you could have asked the question at any other point in time…

Comic #287 – “Flashback”

MNE_20151028_287Ekko sent me an email to remind me to do this comic. It happened after we did her birthday board game party. 😀

I leave tomorrow for my work trip. I plan on bringing my computer to work on NaNoToons and the webcomic.

Two daily webcomics is hard…

It didn’t help that Ekko wanted to play “Don’t Starve”…and then I introduced her to “Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes”

Comic #282 – “Boardgame Night”

MNE_20151023_282We were at Snakes and Lattes last night!

There was Ekko, myself, Manpans, Memes, Mike and Ruby! We would have been perfect for an escape room had we more time!

We played “Code Names” and “Mysterium” and then finished off with “Inkognito”!

Huzzah for fun birthday nights! ^_^