Comic #498 – “After Dinner”


Yes, my children mock me too.

In fact, my wife has been receiving a number of comments on how they find the “YouTube Sensation” hilarious. I didn’t see the subtitle of this website change either, until Manpans couldn’t NOT tell me anymore. Thanks, Brian, for changing that.

There was an eye roll in that last sentence, if you couldn’t tell.

Comic #494 – “Victoria Day”


We went out to our local park, but all the field lights were on and a soccer game was going on.

We went back home.

And then we heard more fireworks noises and immediately went back out into the car and searched for fireworks.

We found some eventually at another park.

On the way home, there was a family shooting it out of their yard.

Finally, I was able to get home and work on the comic. 😀