For the record, the airbnb was great. We just needed some extra necessities we didn’t realize were necessities. Like a toaster.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Leezet: How's the Airbnb?
Errol: It's great! But a bit chilly.

Panel 2 -
Ekko: Lola, can I borrows some shampoo?
Lola: Sure! Are you hungry?
Errol: There's no shampoo, though.

Panel 3 -
Keren: Lola, can I borrow some towels?
Lola: Sure! Did you eat already?
Errol: Not enough towels as well.

Panel 4 -
Zoe: We also can't make any toast.
Lola: I have an extra toaster! You make me so proud!
Errol: Also no toaster so we too can be proud of Zoe making toast.
Leezet: You're so mean.

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