I probably should have done this when I was talking to Leezet so you all knew it was me talking and not someone else. Of course, I was worried whether or not people would be able to tell who was who when the hoods were up.

Manpans says it was no problem at all.

↓ Transcript

Panel 1 (Errol and Keren in parkas in lodge) -
Keren: Hi. I understand you rent out heated seats?
Offscreen: We do. They're not that heated, though.

Panel 2 -
Keren: That's okay. May we rent them?
Offscreen: It's not like you can take your coat off in them.

Panel 3 -
Keren: We weren't planning too...
Offscreen: It's more of a "slightly warm" temperature.

Panel 4 -
Keren: We'll still rent them.
Offscreen: Are you sure?
Errol: Please take our money for your tepid seats.

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