Ekko was upset she missed the Plue dance yesterday morning. She should get up earlier!
And Plue doesn’t actually say “Ploooo”. I have no idea WHAT he says. I’ve even listened to it and don’t know how to repeat it…
You can search for Plue Dance on youtube, but it won’t make things any clearer, that’s for sure…
I am very sad i had to miss this
although we did recreate it before we went to bed!
Your obscurity is what continues to drive me back day after day.
Beautiful obscurity.
*laugh* My poor wife…
In the Manga, it is transcribed with “Pun”, so he is yelling “Puuun, puuuuuun!!!” all the time. (with “u” pronounced as “oo”, like in “blue”)
Yes! Ekko was stating we should say “puun”. But then there’s the “Pyueh” in there too in the video. And then I just think, “How do I say that?” *laugh*
Manpans seal of authenticity. This was a weird thing to wake up to.
Plue plue…
For those still confused, Plue is a chreature/character found in two manga series (by the same author): Rave Master, and Fairy Tail.
Is Rave Master good?
Plue dance????