Manpans would have hated it. It would have been great.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (In an escape room) -
Mads: Look at that huge TV! Hey! It shows a timer and it's counting down!
Errol: Okay, everyone! Start by're already doing. Carry on.

Panel 2 -
Mads: What should I do?
Errol: Escape rooms hide things. See if you can find anything.

Panel 3 (Time passes...) -
Mads: Hey! The huge TV says 45 minutes. We have 45 minutes left!
Errol: Thanks, Mads.

Panel 4 (Time passes...) -
Mads: It's now 30 minutes! We have 30 minutes left!

Panel 5 (Time passes...) -
Mads: It's 20 minutes! Guys! We're at 20 minutes!

Panel 6 (Time passes...) -
Mads: 15 minutes! Everyone! We're at 15 minutes!

Panel 7 (Time passes...) -
Mads: Guys! We're at 10 minutes! We only have 10 minutes left!
Errol: Such a shame Manpans isn't here.
Ekko: You just want to see her freak out because of Mads.
Errol: To think it's wasted on us!!

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